Translate Video

Translate videos with our handy and free editor

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How to translate Video

Upload video

Launch one of the available applications by clicking on the buttons above the editor window.

Make edits

Translate videos using the functionality offered in the application - create or edit a video.

Download result

After you finish working with the application, do not forget to save the result and download the video.

What is video translating and why do you need it

Of course, the translation will not be ideal, but it will be quite acceptable for assimilating the material, you can even make an article - you will not need a big rewrite, and the post will be 100% unique. The specifics of the original video and what you want to do with it determine the algorithm for working with it. We work with all formats and take on videos of any complexity. There are difficulties with animation and some graphic elements, but when you provide us with the source project, all problems are excluded. If you just need to understand the content of the video or you are planning to do further voice acting and editing yourself, we can simply translate the entire text (speech, subtitles, captions) and send the document with the translation.

Video and audio recordings have their advantages, but there are also disadvantages: for example, you cannot view or listen diagonally and quickly evaluate the content. Some people just find it difficult to perceive information by ear. That is why the content of videos and podcasts has recently become often spread in text versions. This process is called decryption or conversion. I will tell you about what tools I myself sometimes use to transcribe the content of a video or audio recording.

The idea of our service is that the user can upload a video to the service, indicate the language into which translation is required. Have you ever had a situation that you want to watch a foreign film, video instruction, video, but there is no translation for it, and you do not speak English well enough? Some videos are offered subtitles, but often this is just a literal translation - dry text that is not adapted for the viewer.

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