Frame Video

Adding frame to your video with our free editor has never been easier

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How to add Frame to Video

Upload video

Launch one of the available applications by clicking on the buttons above the editor window.

Make edits

Add Frame to Video using the functionality offered in the application - create or edit a video.

Download result

After you finish working with the application, do not forget to save the result and download the video.

What is video frame and why you might need it

Where to get the frame you ask? You can, of course, make it yourself from any picture by simply cutting out a part in its middle and save the resulting frame in png format with transparency. It is not a bad option to use an animated frame, such frames will only have a positive effect on the uniqueness of the pirated video. There is not much left, we throw the video into the video editor and put our frame on top with a new layer, and render in any format. The video frame is an additional element that makes the video more interesting.

Surely you have seen videos on the Internet in a beautiful static or moving frame more than once. Many users use this technique when processing videos for Instagram, to uniquely customize videos for YouTube, or for greeting video cards. At first glance, it seems that it is very difficult to create something like this. In this tutorial, we will look at several ways to quickly and easily make a video frame yourself. You don't have to be a video editing guru to replicate this effect in your video. All it takes is a little time and a suitable application that combines ease of use with rich functionality.

You can apply different types of frames and masks and then decorate your story on the social network with this clip. You can choose a suitable frame: square, rectangle, even if the video is vertical. Choose the option you like in the catalog and download it to your computer for free. Please note that in most cases you will be able to personalize the frame - you can add your name or enter additional characters, choose the color you like before downloading.

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