Convert 3GP to OGG

Use our simple and free online 3GP to OGG converter

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How to convert 3GP to OGG

Upload 3GP video

Click on the uploading button, then in the window that opens, select those files in 3GP format that you want to convert.

Convert your files

Now you can start converting your video right away. In some cases, you will also be able to adjust the conversion options.

Download OGG file

Congratulations on your successful conversion. Now you can download a new file or several files to your device and check it.

Converting 3GP TO OGG

Converting one file format to another may be necessary for various reasons. So, for example, you may want to convert 3GP to OGG if your computer, phone or other device does not support 3GP format. Also, conversion is often required to reduce the file size, since the original format takes up too much space in the device's memory. Perhaps you just need to extract the audio track from the video file, in which case converting the video to audio format is a good option. In any case, with the help of our converter, you can easily complete the required task. Below you can find out some details about the original and new file formats.

The 3GP file contains multimedia data in an audio and video container format developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) consortium for mobile telephony. It is used to transfer audio and video over the Internet, as well as save videos captured on a mobile device. The finished video clips in 3GP have a small size compared to similar videos in other formats, however, this is justified by a rather low quality, for example, often many frames are presented in the form of colored squares. This format is used to play videos, most often on mobile phones. Its peculiarity lies in the size of the files being played - it is much smaller than, for example, avi. The disadvantage of 3GP is quality, but it is ideal for playing on mobile phones. A 3gp file is a small footage created for playback on portable devices (phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.).

A .ogg file is a compressed audio data in the Ogg Vorbis format, which is a competitor to formats such as WMA, MP3, AAC, VQF. Developed relatively recently (mid-2002 - official release), it provides better sound quality at the same bit rate compared to the most common MP3 format. Those. with the same sound quality, the file size is smaller. Like all technologies developed under the Xiph.Org umbrella, the Ogg format is an open and free standard with no patent or license restrictions. The OGG extension is adapted for use by many audio players, including those based on mobile devices of the Android OS platform. By its structure, an OGG file is a repository of high quality media content. The Vorbis standard is closely related to, but not limited to, the format encoding algorithm. The Ogg vorbis format was developed by Xiphophorus. On the same site you can find the source codes of the project. It is part of the Ogg project to create a fully open source multimedia technology stack. The name of the format (Vorbis) comes from the name of the hero of the book by Terry Pratchett - Little Gods. An OGG file contains audio in the free and open source Ogg Vorbis format, which is used to compress music and other audio in medium to high quality. The Ogg media container is used to store Vorbis audio data.

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