Convert MOV to OPUS

Use our simple and free online MOV to OPUS converter

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How to convert MOV to OPUS

Upload MOV video

Click on the uploading button, then in the window that opens, select those files in MOV format that you want to convert.

Convert your files

Now you can start converting your video right away. In some cases, you will also be able to adjust the conversion options.

Download OPUS file

Congratulations on your successful conversion. Now you can download a new file or several files to your device and check it.

Converting MOV TO OPUS

Converting one file format to another may be necessary for various reasons. So, for example, you may want to convert MOV to OPUS if your computer, phone or other device does not support MOV format. Also, conversion is often required to reduce the file size, since the original format takes up too much space in the device's memory. Perhaps you just need to extract the audio track from the video file, in which case converting the video to audio format is a good option. In any case, with the help of our converter, you can easily complete the required task. Below you can find out some details about the original and new file formats.

A .mov file is a video storage format that uses compression technology without losing image quality. Developed and implemented this format, one of the largest corporations in the operating system market - Apple. The mov format is intended for viewing, creating, editing and publishing various video files. The MOV format is a multimedia file type that works with Apple and QuickTime players. At one time, it was one of a kind for audio and video data. In simple words, the mov format is a multimedia container that stores video files, images, sound, and text. When saving files, the format uses a data compression system. The MOV format, or as it is commonly called, QuickTime, has advantages over similar file types in that it is easy to edit and is overwhelmingly popular. MOV stores footage, graphics, animation, and 3D content. Like most video files, it contains tracks of various information. Videos are sometimes accompanied by music, text, or multimedia effects. Each of the elements represent a separate data track. The main system player with Mac OS X has a version for Windows for a long time, and due to the peculiarities of the MOV format, it is best suited for running such a video on an OS from Microsoft.

The main advantages of OPUS are high audio quality and good compression achieved through dynamic adaptive streaming. The format is based on technologies and broadcast algorithms from Skype and (SILK and CELT codecs, respectively). OPUS is the main audio codec in Skype today. Opus' structure allows it to effectively deal with sound artifacts. For this, a multi-stage audio signal processing architecture has been proposed. The main argument that speaks in favor of using the new codec for IP telephony is low time delay. The Opus codec is used for Voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing, in-game chat. The Opus format has been standardized by the IETF and is maintained by Xiph.Org. Audio file encoded using the Ogg Opus lossy encoding format. The Opus format is designed for Internet audio streaming, that is, the transmission of sound over the Internet. The main advantages of the codec are low encoding latency (from 2.5 to 60 ms) and its high speed, a very high compression ratio of audio data with a very decent sound quality, support for multichannel audio (up to 255 channels). Opus is a completely open source, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Opus is good for streaming both speech and music over the Internet. It's also great for storage and streaming.

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