Convert MP4 to WAV

Use our simple and free online MP4 to WAV converter

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How to convert MP4 to WAV

Upload MP4 video

Click on the uploading button, then in the window that opens, select those files in MP4 format that you want to convert.

Convert your files

Now you can start converting your video right away. In some cases, you will also be able to adjust the conversion options.

Download WAV file

Congratulations on your successful conversion. Now you can download a new file or several files to your device and check it.

Converting MP4 TO WAV

Converting one file format to another may be necessary for various reasons. So, for example, you may want to convert MP4 to WAV if your computer, phone or other device does not support MP4 format. Also, conversion is often required to reduce the file size, since the original format takes up too much space in the device's memory. Perhaps you just need to extract the audio track from the video file, in which case converting the video to audio format is a good option. In any case, with the help of our converter, you can easily complete the required task. Below you can find out some details about the original and new file formats.

While most of us only watch videos or movies almost every day, few are interested in formats. Typically, each operating system or software has its own formats, but some of them, such as MP4, are universal, making them much easier to distribute and use. MP4 file can contain video, audio, graphics and subtitles. Typically, a file with this extension is a video, movie, or other video. The MP4 format is widely used for video transmission over the Internet and distribution of mobile media content. The MP4 format is an add-on plug-in to MPEG4, which is a standard for storing encoded multimedia content (sound files, video content, etc.). In fact, MP4 is a technical specification, the requirements for which are established in the international standard ISO 14496-1. The most popular media format these days is MP4. Usually the built-in video player is enough to open it, but users often resort to additional software. The format allows for streaming over the Internet. In this case, data containing information necessary for broadcasting is transmitted along with the file. MP4 is one of the new standards in the world for digital coding of video and audio information. This format serves as a container for various types of audio and video streams (i.e. it does not include any information compression algorithms).

WAV or WAVE is rightly considered the main audio format. It is used for recording and processing sound, since recording in WAV is uncompressed. Encoded to any other audio format. Well, as a result, it weighs quite a lot, therefore it is used mainly for sound recording. WAV extension is a standard digital audio format used to store signal data. Audio recordings can be stored at various frequencies and bit rates, often in 44.1 kHz, 16-bit, stereo format, which is the standard format for audio CDs. Waveform Audio File Format is a Microsoft and IBM audio file format standard for storing audio stream on a PC. This is the main format used on Windows systems for raw and usually uncompressed audio. Most often, WAV files store sound in its original form, without compression, but they support compression, so the sound or music that has the WAV extension is not always original. WAV occupies a significant amount of memory space, much more than the popular MP3 or AAC, which is why very few people use this format to store their own audio library on a computer. The standard Audio-CD format, for example, is LPCM audio, with 2 channels, 44 100 Hz sampling rate and 16 bits per sample. Since the LPCM format stores uncompressed audio that is absolutely identical to the original, it allows professional users and audio experts to use it for maximum sound quality.

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