Add Effects to Video

Adding effects to video with our free editor has never been easier

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How to add Effects to Video

Upload video

Launch one of the available applications by clicking on the buttons above the editor window.

Make edits

Add Effects to Video using the functionality offered in the application - create or edit a video.

Download result

After you finish working with the application, do not forget to save the result and download the video.

What are video effects and why do you need them

Video content does not leave trends from year to year, the demand for it is only growing. Promo videos, video reviews, screencasts, video presentations are relevant everywhere: on YouTube, in social networks and on websites. VFX are visual effects that are created by combining real footage and additional processing. Blending methods are different: either people shoot against a green screen and then add an image on a computer (this is how much of the second Star Wars trilogy was done), or they change the actor's appearance after shooting (adding a Tony Stark costume, for example). VFX is always post-processing. For quality work, specialists need personnel, light data, model scales and other information.

Have you ever wondered how all those stunning visuals that mesmerize us in movies and clips are made? Professionals have a limitless arsenal of tools, from playing with decorations to the wonders of computer technology. How then to be newcomers working at home? In this article, we will tell you about the cool tricks available to absolutely everyone, as well as find out how to make special effects in a video with your own hands. Complex procedures such as creating special effects videos can be greatly simplified by using Android or iOS mobile apps. In fact, today's devices are now equipped with the right technology for this task and are capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. In this case, it is recommended to use the application; so you can record video through your smartphone camera and edit your movie for free by adding special effects with short editing procedures that are simple and accessible to everyone.

Our collection has a huge number of different effects for your video: blur, sepia, old movie, various appearance effects and many others. The effects are divided into motion-appearance and visual transformation effects and sound effects. Effects can be set global for the entire video, for the audio track, background, main video sequence, text, and individual effects for each file. If you want to do video editing and are counting on some kind of super button that solves all tasks, I will disappoint you. Your success depends only on dedication, perseverance and the amount of time devoted to editing.

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