Add Waveform to Video

Easily add waveform to video with our free online editor

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How to add Waveform to Video

Upload video

Launch one of the available applications by clicking on the buttons above the editor window.

Make edits

Add Waveform to Video using the functionality offered in the application - create or edit a video.

Download result

After you finish working with the application, do not forget to save the result and download the video.

What is waveform and why you might need to add it

It is well known that the perception of sound by a person is very individual. And if for some, the sound reproduced by a computer may seem the height of perfection, then for others it may cut their ears. Undoubtedly, the result largely depends on the quality of the speakers connected to the computer or the speaker system as a whole. However, even if you have very modest computer speakers or headphones, you can still improve the sound if you use an equalizer. How to make the equalizer work to the beat of your audio recording.

To improve the sound on your computer, you need to adjust the bass and treble. You can perform these actions with the help of special programs-equalizers. EQ is easier than it sounds. If you love music and high-quality sound, are engaged in recording and processing sound, you do not need to know a lot of information to learn how to use it. In this article, we'll show you how to adjust your sound with an equalizer and get the effects you want.

In this tutorial, we will explore the topic of creating an audio spectrum or equalizer from an image using After Effects and Photoshop. What is the audio spectrum, or as it is also called the equalizer, I think it's not worth explaining this, and so everyone understands. The audio spectrum effect is usually applied to the background of a piece of music or podcast. Now let's create some more interesting audio spectrum than the standard one. We will make the effect from the image and for this work we need Photoshop.

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