Facebook Cover Videos Maker

Making Facebook cover videos with our free editor has never been easier

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How to create Facebook Cover Videos

Upload video

Launch one of the available applications by clicking on the buttons above the editor window.

Make edits

Make Facebook Cover Video using the functionality offered in the application - create or edit a video.

Download result

After you finish working with the application, do not forget to save the result and download the video.

What are Facebook cover videos and why you need one

Competent design of a page on a social network is the key to successfully expanding your audience and promoting your content. Page cover makes the most important first impression. There are only a few seconds for the user to make a conclusion for himself: stay on the page and continue acquaintance or leave. The managers of the Netflix studio were the first to realize this opportunity, having installed the video on the page of their series. According to a recent survey, 60% of shoppers watch Facebook videos every day. Of these, 64% say that it was the video that influenced their decision to make a purchase.

Facebook video cover is a unique tool that allows you to present your products or services on a social network. A video placed in a noticeable and immediately striking place is able to attract a lot of attention from potential visitors to your business page. In this article, we will talk about what a Facebook cover video is and how to create one to fit all the social media requirements. What a Facebook cover video should look like. This is the video that sits at the top of your page. A regular video differs from a cover video in its dimensions. These videos are wider at the top of the page and have a lower height. Here's what else you need to know about video covers: The length of the video is 20 to 29 seconds. Resolution - 1089. The image will be cropped to size 820 x 462. And of course, the video content must not violate Facebook's terms and conditions. In other matters - everything is at your discretion.

Exciting news for marketers and social media entrepreneurs: Now business page owners can replace their Facebook cover image with a video. Facebook covers play automatically and in a loop. The feature has already been included on many of Facebook's 65 million business pages. This innovation is designed to boost user engagement with Facebook business pages and is part of the social network's plan to improve engagement. Facebook video cover is a modern way to present your business on a social network. A video placed in such a prominent place is able to attract the attention of visitors and tell the main aspects of your activity from the first seconds of scrolling. A Facebook Video Cover is a 20-90 second public live cover of a Facebook page or community that is broadcast when the user hovers over to the user currently viewing the content.

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